Are you planning to start seedlings in the spring or extend the season in the fall? The simplest solution for you is building a greenhouse. The process isn’t difficult and if you have a design and building plan, it shouldn’t take a weekend’s worth of work. For this DIY project to yield a result like the one featured on this website, you will need 2 by 3’s pine for the framing and 6 mil greenhouse plastic as cover. The entire cost is less than $150! And that’s including the hardware. The 6′-10″ x 8′ greenhouse has a couple of work benches, one 24″ high and the other one 36″ high. There is a vent or window on opposite side from the door. Check out the detailed instructions and built your own DIY greenhouse…
The greenhouse has two work benches, the one on the south wall is 24″ high and the one on the north wall is 36″ high.