Reasons Why $13 Billion US Aircraft Carrier Cost $8 Million per Day to Run
Los portaviones son una maravilla moderna de aeropuertos flotantes, es un arte ver este tipo de superestructuras, Just think if the WWII carriers had the minimum of at least a CWIS and a sqdn of FA-18s.
This is an amazing war machine. How this machine works is an art in itself. Appreciate much the skills and discipline of the men and women on board The best in class ❤️ 8 million at 365 days a year is almost 3 billion per year. With 11 carriers and 9 helo carriers, that’s 33 billion per year plus whatever the 9 helo carriers cost. If the same cost, that would mean roughly 20 x 3 billion or 60 billion per year.
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