V I worked on and flew in the Bristol 170, there was nothing wrong with them, they did exactly what they were designed for. Carrying freight and passengers, slowly. We called them 50,000 rivets flying in close rattling formation. They had a window in the doors at the front and you could lie on the floor watching the ground go by. The last time I checked there were 11 B-17s still flying. The most complete is the 'Yakee Lady' owned by the Yankee Air Museum willowrun airport out side of Bellevile, MI. I was a member and spent many amazing hours flying in in this trully impressive air craft. 4:10 Bristol 170 was not "retired 12 years later", that's when production stopped... the last one was retired nearly 60 years later... in 2004. And that was due to economic reasons, not its safety record! Not many aircraft have a better safety record after that much time in service... and the type of flying it was exposed to!... At least he got the date right! Interesting collection, thanks for sharing. Two notes: 7:34 "Graveyard for wrecked Mig-23's." Other Iraqui fighter planes but in good working conditions were hidden out in the desert buried under the sand. Some have been found but others should still be missing to this day. Might be worth a search
8:32 Pablo Escobar's sunken plane: Don't bother to search for the many tons of cocaine onboard, I salvaged it all yesterday.*
* Additional note: All that cocaine, I once had a friend who liked the stuff but I haven't seen him for 3 decades, so I just poured it all out into the sea. But I did so at low-tide - and immediately the water made high-tide.
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