16 Most Amazing & Ingenious Machines


16 Most Amazing & Ingenious Machines

Check Out Our Awesome Merch! 16 Most Amazing & Ingenious Machines You Need To See

 A lot are seriously job specific. Kinda cool how man can adapt to specific needs. Quite a few are mainstream common equipment used in North America presently, ie high clearance sprayers, hay bines, sugar beet equipment  It would be informative to know how much each machine sells for. For instance, when watching the automated log splitter I couldn't help but be impressed how efficiently it made cord wood, but I wonder how much my favorable impression would be tempered with a cost comparison between the machine and a crew with chain saws and log splitters, and that being before repair and maintenance costs   Amazing stuff... But the ditch digger is about the simplest machine on here, but, does MORE than great.  
Doing this job with a 'JCB' type machine, bucket thingy, just takes absolutely ages.
I bet, the farmer thought, why had it taken SSsooo long for him to buy one.  It just does TOOOO good a job. BRILLIANT.!
And... Fertilising end rows for free, whilst you're at it.!!.  14:10 The Bos-2BS supports 30hp, not 240hp. The site also gives a rear PTO speed of 1500RPM, most implements run at 540 or 1000RPM so I don't understand this one. The tractor shown does not have a 240hp engine or the ability to run it's PTO at 1500RPM.  Not sure where you're getting your info from, but that little 3 row corn harvester does not require a 240+ hp tractor, I can assure you... The tractor they're using in your video is probably around 35-40 hp.










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