5 largest CRAWLER cranes that are the biggest in the world.
I'm Amazed that they allowing the workers the walk under the load on the third crane !!! They have just built a LR11350 at the SpaceX Launch site at Starbase in Texas to help build the Integration Tower Its not the manitowoc one it was LR 11350 With PowerBoom and boom extension The largest of these crawler cranes i think wouls be the lr13000 why cos it has the largest liifting power
with just one boom instead of many of them twin boom cranes out there. “Ach du lieber, mein schatz”! But can it “core a Apple”, “thread a needle”, or “DO A WHEELIE”! 0 to 60mph (can it move at all) “YA, IT’S a BIGURN”!!! - that’s what my first wife said to ME! “All shined up & ready ta go”! Where is the Demag CC12600, the biggist singlebody crawler crane after the Liebherr LR 13000, this Manitowoc is not so powerfull and not to forget the Demag CC12000 !!!
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