That's quite deep. 6-7 feet I'd say as those tires are 13 feet tall and the water is just above center height of the wheel. I guess this is one of those times you don’t want to set your bucket controls to float. It makes little difference if you think the equipment will be harmed or not by running in deep water. Because that is a harsh environment and somebody will write the check to fix or repair this down the road. When equipment has been abused it always breaks down at the most inopportune time. Ya, get ready. Well this is the one of the best ways to shorten the life of these machines. Can't believe they are doing this. The dumper fan is churning water Can the Cat 994K lift high enough to load 400-ton haul class trucks like the Cat 797F and Liebherr T 284 Or is the LeTourneau L-2350 the only wheel loader that can handle that Pit to mechanic hey i just blew a hyrdralic hose on the 994 it is in six feet of water looks like you will have to change it underwater. What the... a good pump is cheaper than the down time and parts to repair the axles, fan drives and everything else not meant to swim. Only thing i can say is why the hell dont you buy a pump. Them are being abused and ruined for absolutely no reason and we wonder why stuff costs so much. Pretty obvious when you see how they treat the equipment. Funny how everyone here is apparently a mechanic all of a sudden. A heavy equipment operator gets paid the big bucks to know what he is doing that’s why he’s there and you’re not.
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