Excavator Rental Disaster Swamp Trackhoe Accident Water Buried Mud


Excavator Rental Disaster Swamp Trackhoe Accident Water Buried Mud

While preparing for a rain, the operators were trying to uncover some pipe that was in the ditch to get it removed, but one of the excavators got stuck.... so they called for the second one to come.... wellll he didn't fare so well either. Then the rain came, and REALLY made things sloppy! We happened to stumble across these guys needing some help and figured we'd help em out!

 Awww, those two excavators were holding hands.  How sweet!
 High voltage power lines directly overhead of the rescue excavator. Fookin' yikes! I think there was plenty of clearance from the powerlines, but sometimes it's hard to tell on video. They did ok getting out of that mess with one extra digger. I've seen videos where they call in a bigger digger and two heavy duty rescue trucks to pull a digger out of the mud.
 When you get mud up over the top of the tracks open the door too the door can get jammed shut from the mud when you swing around.










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