Building Wooden House - Huge Tree Felling, Chainsaw Machines - Climbing Skills to Fell Tall Trees - Amazing Wood Sawmill Machines - Automatic Firewood Spliter Processing Machine - Tree Felling with Crosscut Saw - Woodworking
It's interesting to see how different these are, seems like a lot of them don't split small enough for the fireplace. You'd have to go back and dig through the pile and manually split up the big stuff. And I have yet to see automation in the other end of the wood pile. How about having some kind of metal crates that actually hold the split wood, something that you can move around with a skid steer, like dump the split wood into a crate, then when that crate is full have an automated system to move in an empty crate. The piling, stacking and moving of the split wood is what takes the most work. Maybe have some kind of stackable crates that you can stack up in a barn. my grandfather and I had an ax, a tree saw, a sledge hammer and a maul. We cut firewood all year long so we had more than enough for our house which was heated by a wood stove in the basement. We never once went cold. In fact, a few times we backed the truck up and took some to the neighbors if they were hurting. No charge. He was that type of man. Being with him, it didn't seem like work or a chore. He always talked and told stories while we did it. Even throughout the year when we would go walking through the woods he'd say "never walk back empty handed. We'd drag wood behind us or we had twine where we would bundle up kindling. Every day was a constant adventure or camp out with him.
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