Japanese Fastest Biggest Wood Sawmill Machine Work || Amazing Inside Large Tree Processing Factory Compilation of a variety of proper equipment and the most advanced technology for sawing wood. The idea of working with wood minimizes accidents is great for everyone in the world. Share videos about automatic work machines Turbo ChainSaw, Sawmill, Log Splitter, Wood Splitter, Drum chopper, Woodworking Tools, Cutting Down Trees, Hydraulic turning machine for logs, lathe, CNC etc.
This video provides a marvelous look into the proud and amazing Japanese people. Clean working environment; the precision produced by mere eye is wonderful! Really clean, well organized sawmill. Not like most western mills with piles of sawdust, cut offs, bark bits, and other debris strewn all around the place, usually in a mud hole! The real skill is in the saw doctor's shop where the band blades are resharpened and the most important, hammered and tensioned, so the saw runs straight in the log. A highly skilled job on which the entire mill is absolutely dependant on. Certainly they don't have trees in Japan that large. I wonder what country they are importing them from and what kind of trees those are I remember long time ago from 1970 to 1985 our logs from Borneo island forest was sent to Japan by ship. Maybe this is what the wood processing after arriving in Japan. I've seen this mill before not only no safety gear but I saw them pushing against the log as it moved forward just inch's from blade coming thru the end of light . Sad to see all these huge old trees being taken down. I can only hope new trees are being planted in their memory. Used to change saw blades dey go Aberdeen WA 12' x 40' logs on the Headrig. When gang saw broke down would divert cants 40' x 12" x 24" into resaw. The power feed of 40' slabs into chipper. This video should be shown as a text book reference for those who flout plant safety regulations and operations-i shudder to think what would happen if the man holding the planks before they fall suffers band saw kickback or the other falls off the sled right at the running band saw. In Europe the health and safety regulations is generally too intrusive, in the second video at 12.40 if the worker on the machines platform tripped he would be in mortal danger or suffer major loss of a limb, makes me shiver watching him glide close by that moving blade. That machine would benefit from a remote controls.
They call that the fastest wood sawmill they need to see some of the big mills out west they run though a tree in nothing flat some even saw boards coming and going. Of course the mills out west are not grade sawing lumber they are just making construction lumber. These guys are sawing for a certain type of planks.
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