The quality of the camera is amazing. At first I thought it was some kind of computer model, and then I see the people, and then I'm like, no, that's all real. It's coming from a drone but I feel like I'm looking at someone's model set. And I like seeing the work in action, that's pretty good too.Yeah it may be new technology for those who are used to building things by hand. That technology is decidedly not new my friend. Roads built in swampy areas need a large and very thick road bead made our of crushed shale or granite at least three feet thick minimum. Then you push your gravel, sand a other sized rock on top of that bed, and then compact it with a vibrating heavy roller. I don't recognize those trucks, so I am assuming this is taking place in a third world country, where they think anything other than a shovel is, "NEW" !!!
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