Top 10 Big Ships Crashing Compilation !
Somebody needs to learn the difference between Ships, boats, and High Seas. Heeling over in a sea way is also not a collision. Nothin crazy about that lifeboat launch. That's the procedure! They motor it out of the boathouse,get it ready a running,then let gravity do it's thing. When they come back up and place the boat back on the cradle and winch it back into the boathouse. The problem @1:20 is the captain should have let some of the air out of the hull before approaching the bridge. You use the big red lever marked 'A'...it's on the left side of the wheel down by your feet near the E brake release. You can't miss it. Didn't anyone tell 2:00 that they could have let air out of the tires to clear the bridge 2:49 How in hell does that even float 5:31 Pass port to port. My ship is bigger than your ship. You pass on the port side. No, you pass on the port side. I was here first. No you weren't. And the argument continues. At 5:44 the two ships bow to bow was dumb on their part, obviously. However, when you look at the vessel from the left screen the scrapes along the water line of the ship leads one to believe it is not his first chicken rodeo 6:00 a THREE ship pile up!!! wow, its like car traffic in Florida... no one has a clue what they are doing! 7:17 I think they piled up the containers on the boat on the right so high the captain cant see the water anymore.
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