I showed you how to build a router table using spare parts from an old router table. Now I take that same router table and flip it on end to make the ultimate milling and joinery machine. In this video, I build a cradle and a lift table for my milling base and add a surface clamp, stop block and stabilization bar. This router table add-on takes 2-3 minutes to set up and take down and stores pretty easily on a shelf.
This router table add-on cost less than $10 to build, using scrap plywood, a little bit of PVC trim and some simple hardware from my home store.
The same components can be used to build a reliable bench vice too!
DISCLAIMER: My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to do anything that is shown in my videos. Woodworking and Metal Working are very dangerous activities and should only be performed by trained professionals.
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